5th Semi-Annual Tree Plant
Partnered with City of Winnipeg
the Friends of the Harte Trail will be planting Fall 2020 and is looking for volunteers to assist with our FIFTH Tree Plant we will meet just past Van Roon Gardens.
Please join the City of Winnipeg, Friends of the Harte Trail and local volunteers like you.
The City Naturalist Department will perform demonstration on how to plant, following this volunteers are invited to help plant the trees along the pathway.
Safety first! Social distancing requirements are comfortably met on the open section of Trail we will be planting on. Plenty of space for each household during the plant. Typically well under 50 volunteers come and go during the 1-3 hour plant.
Please bring your own gloves and shovels, some are provided but best to keep shared contact to a minimum.
Holes are PRE-DUG, pick your spot, carefully remove the tree from the planter, shake the roots loose, score the sides of the hole, and back fill, DONE! You can stay for 1 tree, or a few, it can be a 5 minute visit, or you can spend more time if you’d like!
Location: Harte Trail at the Van Roon Garden
(Entrance at south end of Cullen Dr. and Bergman Cres.)
<—————— Please click on the map to the left
We will meet at Van Roon Garden