4th Semi-Annual Tree Plant
Partnered with CN, Tree Canada and City of Winnipeg
the Friends of the Harte Trail will be planting this fall and is looking for volunteers to assist with our FOURTH Tree Plant we will meet just past Van Roon Gardens.
In honor of CN’s 100th anniversary, CN and Tree Canada are partnering with each of the CN100 ─ A Moving Celebration host communities to develop green space initiatives. A legacy forest will be planted to commemorate CN’s contribution to your community. Tree Canada is proud to partner with CN in an effort to grow better places to live.
Please join the City of Winnipeg, CN, Friends of the Harte Trail and Tree Canada for a recognition event in Winnipeg on September 28th to celebrate the planting of 100 trees.
A ceremonial tree planting and plaque unveiling will take place along the Harte Trail off Cullen Drive. Following the ceremony, volunteers are invited to help plant the trees along the pathway. Light refreshments will be served.
Your presence would be most welcome.
Location: Harte Trail at the Van Roon Garden
(Entrance at south end of Cullen Dr. and Bergman Cres.)