its amazing the resiliency of Canadians especially Winnipeggers, to brave the cold. But to us really, has it anything to do with bravery? we are just used to it, and we dress the part.
West of Harstone
there are always folks on our Trail in the Winter months, year round its used. But this year especially we have seen a drastic increase in the traffic on the trail. You may have noticed the its now being maintained, plowed and sanded, more than it ever has in the last 20 years. Its as wide as the non-winter months, and with almost as much traffic. we have seen a huge increase in folks out there, joggers and walkers, more importantly families with small ones, who will grow to love and appreciate the trail. one of the big wins, we are now seeing some people that aren’t 100% mobile, or don’t have the full use of their legs, with the trail now flat, wide and sanded, someone in wheelchair can take advantage of the fresh air, wildlife, and calming quiet our trail offers. so no, -40 wasnt slowing us Winnipeggers down, give us an open trail and we come out in droves.
A big reason for this, the City has focused on trails and active spaces this year, its important our citizens get out, get moving in anyway they can, and enjoy the natural spaces Winnipeg has to offer. There was a lot of work going into this, and will be to continue it in the future. If you are taking advantage keep Councilor Klein in the loop on how much you enjoy these new changes and how much you enjoy the winter trail. He can share with the support team that make things happen.
broken window theory
lots of folks have been asking me how they can help, there are a lot of ways, but honestly the easiest is pick up trash where you see it, I’m a strong believer in the “broken window theory” if we all helped out with just a few items each day, there are trash bins @ every major intersection, it would make a massive difference. and if you agree with that theory, then you’d know its not the fact that its just one piece of rubbish your picking up, what difference can I make, there are hundreds hundreds more, but its about changing the culture on the trail, about changing how its viewed. this isn’t a place we throw our trash this is a park. its a more sustainable fix and it helps us all take pride in our Trail. As it is YOUR trail, and mine, we are Winnipeggers, we pay our taxes its for all of us to enjoy, we should think more about these things in the material world we live in. as Winnipeggers and as Canadians we already have so much we just don’t appreciate it.
that brings us to the last point, let us know by clicking below, what you see out there that might need some attention. snap a pic and a location. we’d love to help, as a volunteer board we are always using Trail, but not every member gets out to every part of the trail. you are our eyes and ears!